
«AP Anlage & Privatbank» (Switzerland)

Kaleido Privatbank is a private Swiss bank that has been operating since 1995 as AP Anlage & Privatbank. The rebranding of the bank took place in 2022. The central office of the bank is located in the world financial and business center - in the city of Zurich (Switzerland). Along with financial leadership, Switzerland is characterized by political and economic stability, low taxes and a stable currency.

Today, Kaleido is owned by Citadele Bank, which is located in Riga (Latvia). This allows us to combine professionalism and many years of Swiss-style banking experience with knowledge of the intricacies of the Baltic and CIS markets.

The Bank effectively combines two areas: the preservation of funds and settlement and cash services. The professionalism of the staff and individual solutions for each client guarantee high-quality and reliable service.


Price of opening the account (bank tariff )

Opening an account:

- for corporate entities - 1000 CHF;

- for natural persons - 500 CHF.


Minimum initial payment while opening an account - 5 000 CHF.


Minimum balance for settlement account - 250 000 CHF (should be paid during first two months starting from the moment when bank account is opened).

Representative offices 

Switzerland, Latvia, Lithuania

Account Management

Via PIN-envelope, fax  and e-mail.

Bank Tariffs

Maintaining an active account for individuals and legal entities - 500 CHF/per year (debited quarterly).


Maintaining a dormant account for individuals and legal entities  (if the balance is below the minimum or if there is no movement in the account during the quarter) - 1000 CHF/per year (debited quarterly).


Closing of a current account – 500 CHF.


Cost of outgoing payments:

- in CHF - 50 CHF;

- in USD – 0,20% (min 300 CHF, max 500 CHF (SHA)) + 20 CHF (OUR) + 20 CHF (EU non IBAN);

- in EUR and other currencies – 0,20% (min 200 CHF, max 350 CHF (SHA)) + 20 CHF (OUR) + 20 CHF (EU non IBAN).


Cost of urgent outgoing payments (for payment on the same day):

- in CHF – 100 CHF;

- in USD – 0,30% (min 400 CHF, max 600 CHF (SHA)) + 20 CHF (OUR) + 20 CHF (EU non IBAN);

- in EUR и другой валюте – 0,30% (min 300 CHF, max 450 CHF (SHA)) + 20 CHF (OUR) + 20 CHF (EU non IBAN).


Transfers into the credit cards accounts:

- ordinary – 25 CHF;

- urgent- 50 CHF.


Transfers to accountin in AP Anlage & Privatbank - 50 CHF.


For more information on bank rates see here.

Terms of opening the account 

The procedure of opening the account consists of two stages: the preliminary stage and final stage of opening an account.

The preliminary stage includes the process of gathering and submitting documents. Term of the preliminary stage will depends precisely on the client.

The procedure of consideration the documents and reaching the decision by bank staff regarding opening an account takes 20-30 working days starting from the date when the document and forms are submitted to the representative of the Bank.

AP Anlage & Privatbank follows the «know your client» principle and therefore you may be requested to provide any additional information or documents concerning the procedure of opening the account that may take additional time. Bank also may refuse to open the account without any explanations.


English, Russian – speaking

Credit/debit cards

Visa, MasterCard, American Express.

Cards may be issued in the following currencies: Swiss Franc (CHF), the euro (EUR), U.S. dollar (USD).

Additional banking products

Deposits, Investment foundations, Trust, Brokerage service.

Documents required for opening an account

The documents required for the company:

-originals of all company’s statutory documents affixed with apostile are required;

- description of the company;

- list of partners;

- diagram of the movement of funds.

In case that from the date of company incorporation has passed more than 6 months, the Certificate of Good Standing affixed with apostile is required.


Documents for  account holder:

- original of international passport;

- оriginal of national passport.


Documents for beneficiary owner of the company:

- original of international passport;

- original of national passport.

The procedure of opening the account

At the very start of procedure client should fill in the survey questionnaire, provide a description of company activity, and submit scan copies of statutory documents of company along with documents for account holder and beneficiary owner.

We will compose the package of documents and send it to the bank for pre-approval. Once bank pre-approves opening an account, Campio Group will organize in-personal meeting of account holder and beneficiary owner with bank representative in Kiev for signing bank form, certifying company’s documents and documents for account holder and beneficiary owner.

In parallel, the bank will send the details to the e-mail address to transfer the initial minimum deposit to the account.


For further consultation concerning the terms of account opening in Kaleido Privatbank (Switzerland) please contact our office. We will respond to any questions you may have and will help you open an account in Swiss Kaleido (AP Anlage & Privatbank) or any other bank out of 60 foreign banks you may choose from.

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