
Obtaining a USA tax number (ITIN/EIN)


The USA Internal Revenue Service (IRS) records individuals and legal entities using individual identification numbers. The tax number that is issued for individuals is ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number), EIN (Employer Identification Number) is assigned to legal entities. 

Both residents and non-residents of the US and can apply for a tax number. The exceptions are cases when an individual needs an SSN (social security number) number, which is interchangeable with ITIN and provides even more possibilities in the United States. However, not everyone can apply for an insurance number, the list is rather limited for non-residents. At the same time, SSN is confidential information, so many businessmen prefer to obtain an EIN for a company and use it publicly for commercial purposes. 

Photo 1 - Obtaining a USA tax number (ITIN/EIN)


For non-resident individuals, the ITIN is used when:

  • the person is illegible to obtain a social security number SSN;
  • there is a need to submit statements to the tax office, including tax returns, or to demand a tax refund;
  • it is planned to open an account with an American bank;
  • the application of tax incentives under bilateral agreements is required.
Photo 2 - Obtaining a USA tax number (ITIN/EIN)


A company requires an EIN for:   

  • communication with the American tax authorities, including for filing returns, reporting, tax forms, changes in the form of ownership, type of organization, etc.
  • creating a trust;
  • opening a local bank account;
  • employment of residents in the company (in fact, this is the employer's number);
  • increasing the prestige of the company, since this number will be highlighted in all economic documentation and will testify to the legality and transparency of the business;
  • to designate business and private funds.


To obtain a tax number for an individual or legal entity shall fill an appropriate form with the IRS. Thus, this procedure does not require a personal presence in the country and is available remotely.

To obtain an ITIN, you must submit a Form W-7, tax return, and identity documents.

To obtain an EIN the company shall submit an SS-4 form, which includes all information regarding the company.

It is worth noting that filling out these forms and submitting documents to the IRS must strictly comply with all the requirements, otherwise, there is a high probability, that tax authorities immediately refuse in obtaining a tax number. Therefore, we strongly recommend to turn to specialists for a professional consultation to avoid rejection and have a guarantee in obtaining the required tax number.

After checking all the documents, the tax office sends the assigned number by mail with a document called a Tax letter.

Please note that the EIN for any legal entity is assigned once and has no expiration date. The duration of ITIN for individuals is limited by time and requires a form submission for its renewal. You will be notified of the expiration date by the tax office in advance.

If you need help in obtaining a non-resident ITIN or EIN in the United States, or if you need additional clarification on this question, please contact our specialists:

+38 (098) 737-88-88

We will tell you what is necessary to obtain a tax number, help you with the preparation and summation of all the necessary documents.

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